Are You Getting What You Paid For?

Learn why top-quality clay is critical to performance in bentonite sulfur fertilizer.



There’s no point in buying a degradable sulfur fertilizer that doesn’t degrade. Yet this is exactly what happens when you purchase from a manufacturer that cuts corners when it comes to clay quality.

In this guide, we explain the vital role bentonite clay plays in mechanically breaking down sulfur particles – and why performance comes down to the clay quality. A vital resource for those who buy, sell and rely on bentonite sulfur fertilizer.

You'll Learn:

KegRiver-Inbound-LandingPage-May2023-PCO-BentoniteSulfur-Icons-01a_Degradability The Importance of Degradability
KegRiver-Inbound-LandingPage-May2023-PCO-BentoniteSulfur-Icons-01a_Bentonite Clay works How Bentonite Clay Works
KegRiver-Inbound-LandingPage-May2023-PCO-BentoniteSulfur-Icons-01a_Inferior Clay Inferior Results Why Inferior Clay = Inferior Results
KegRiver-Inbound-LandingPage-May2023-PCO-BentoniteSulfur-Icons-01a_Advantages The Advantages of 0-0-0-85S
Bonus Video: How to conduct a side-by-side degradability test

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